Straw Poll Results – Pleasant Hill City Council Election
Here are the straw poll results as of 8 AM Thursday morning:
Rinn – 38.5%,
Durant, Flaherty, and Bonato tied at 35.9%
Flake and Braverman tied at 17.9%
Carlson and Cloward tied at 7.7%
Not Sure at 2.6%
Thank you for all those who voted and to all the candidates. I think this survey indicates what I suspected, which is that this will be a very close race. The survey also indicates that the winner may receive less than 50% of the vote. While the response has been good, I will be looking at other ways to get the word out and gather a more diverse group of voters. Please check back frequently and get the word out – every vote counts in this election!
Here is the link to the survey and please pass on to your friends.
I will be posting the results on a frequent basis, so check back for results!
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