What Every Parent Should Know On Safer Internet Day
I would expect very few people are aware that today, Tuesday February 11 is “Safer Internet Day.” Today’s Safer Internet Day, which is taking place with the theme of ‘let’s create a better internet together’, started in 2008 with the aim of creating awareness for internet safety. Safer Internet Day is participated in across over 100 countries and aims to ‘inspire the safe, responsible and creative use of technology’.
Parents especially should be aware that this day is designed to increase awareness of the threats present on the Internet. Kaspersky Labs, which makes the anti-virus product we most highly recommend, has a study that shows that more than a quarter of parents believe their children have been exposed to online risks in the past 12 months, including seeing inappropriate content or being a victim of cyber bullying. However, Kaspersky Lab’s research has found that one in five parents take no action to govern their children’s online activity – whether on the home computer or mobile devices. Further, The Kaspersky study also found that 18 per cent of parents had lost money or data from their personal device as a result of their child’s unmonitored access.
For more information, see: http://www.cbronline.com/news/security/what-every-parent-should-know-on-safer-internet-day-4175601
Also, feel free to call us, or drop by, to learn what security precautions we recommend:
Cantrell’s Computer Sales & Service, 1936 Linda Drive, Pleasant Hill CA, (925)827-1200.
Our web site is: www.crsfbay.com
– Wade Cantrell
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