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Ever Forgot a Password?

Ever Forgot a Password?

There are few things that strike fear in the virtual heart of a computer user than forgetting a password.
On one hand you want to make a secure password for each platform or application, but on the other hand you want to be able to remember them without writing them down, right? Add on top of that the need to use passwords on your mobile device – a challenge even the most slender-fingertipped person gets stumped by when in a hurry.
So what’s the solution?

Idea #1: Consider using shorter passwords for “low consequence” accounts like Netflix, for example. “Low consequence” meaning that if the account gets hacked, no one loses his life savings! An 8-digit password may suffice for this use.

Idea #2: Use 19-digit passwords for those “high consequence” accounts that do gain access to life savings and other secure data. Check the strength of the password at either one or both of these websites:

Idea #3: Devise a password using a base phrase as an acronym. An example: “In 3 words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on” becomes I3wIcsueIlal:Igo for a password. This increases the complexity of the password and makes it harder to crack.

Idea #4: Use Long Passwords with some randomness to resist brute force attacks. The random sequence addition could be a series of numbers instead of digits (a date?) or a series of letters (best friend’s initials?)

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